LGBT …..

Pictures from the recently concluded Chennai Pride 2009.
Commemorating the Stonewall Inn incidents in 1969.

Scene 1

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 2

An voice to be heard ....

An voice to be heard ....

There's Hope

There's Hope

… with the Hope for a Change in Mindset of people.

Chennai & The New Face

Hues may vary, but humanity doesn’t ……

The commemoration of the 1969 Stonewall riots is happening this time in Chennai with a series of events covering Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals & Transgendered. The final event is the March today (27/6/09) at Marina Beach.

The press release could be checked here.

….. i guess there should be an awareness series from the supporting organisations to the general public on the same in an continued & sustained effort.