Bundle of joy …

In continuation with my earlier post on Baby Stork, S.R has got a baby boy today morning and i’m very glad knowing that. Met her y’day evening only and today early morning she’s got a boy. Congrats SR & PGB.


Stork season …..


1. A S gets a girl

2. S K gets a boy

3. L S gets a girl

4. S A gets a boy

5. PL.S gets a girl

6. S R is pregnant

7. A K is pregnant

this seems to be a stork season at the friendly neighbourhood …….

also been following these lovely blogs on parenting …. Hallucinations, The Brat & Bean, Cute cantaloupe, Babies anonymous ……. Kudos to these guys for making us enjoy the parenthood …..

edited & added point #5 … 

picture courtesy : i stock photo